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A Future Society

Madam Sifer stood up, walking up to each girl, staring at them and wiggling the little remote before their lifeless eyes.

"All my dolls, do you see? You belong to me, and all the other women of the world. And none of you will forget that. Ever." She pressed a long nail onto one of the buttons, and the Collar on Anna's neck spread a warmth from her spine to her head, and back down to her hands and legs. Her whole body seemed to heat up. It was a feeling she knew well. She tried to close her eyes, to shut out the feelings, but she couldn't move. Madam Sifer's dark brown eyes, pale face, red lips, and wide white grin smiled in Anna's face as the warmth spread into her cheeks.

Fight this, a little voice said in the back of Anna's mind. This Collar...fight it. Fight her! Don't you remember who you are?

At this, Anna's cock stirred and twitched, fighting the warmth, fighting the Collar. Fighting the Madam. Madam Sifer had expected it, looked down at all the feminized boys standing naked in her private room, the lights behind them illuminating their now soft skin, their curved hips, budding – and in some cases, enlarged – breasts, perfect little images of eighteen year old princesses who were removed from their homes because the geneticists had missed their genes, made an error. They were born boys, and it was the Dead Rose Society's job, as well as other Society's around the world, to prevent these boys from becoming men. Aside from their cocks, shaved and shrunken by the effects of the Collar, they would become the slaves of the world, their dicks reminding them of the second class status and shame they would live with. Which is what the Madam and her fellow sisters the world over wanted. And so it went from as long as the boys who were unfortunate to be born could remember. Some were tougher than others, but they all eventually broke. No man ever came out of the Dead Rose Society, with a penis or without.

Beside Anna (one of the toughest minds Madam Sipher had ever had to fight) was Carla, a tall, dark skinned beauty, with short jet black hair. Her own dick sprung to life as well, an organ much larger than Anna's, yet the rest of her body completely devoid of life. The other girls merely let the warm feelings overtake them, their minds going blank, their past lives forgotten. They were newborns, as Madam Sifer liked to say.

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