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A Girl's Best Friend

Kelly hurried away. Uncertain, Ryanna stayed where she was. After several minutes, neither of her friends had returned, and she was at a loss. A couple guys came over to talk to her, but apparently realized she wasn't interested and wandered away after saying hello. Finally, Ryanna found a seat in one of the chairs along the edge of the dance floor and sat, wishing she'd brought her own car so she could leave.

That was where Luscious found her about half an hour later. "Honey, why are you all alone?"

"Because no one's with me." Ryanna swallowed to keep from crying. "I guess both of my friends hooked up, and I don't know anyone else here."

"So you're hiding in a corner? Uh uh, doesn't work that way. You know me, and I'll introduce you around. What are you looking for tonight, by the way? You want to hook up with anyone, or are you just visiting?"

"Just visiting."

"Then stick with me, and I'll make sure no one bothers you."

"I don't want to cramp your style."

"Oh, honey, you won't. I'm just here to dance. I do my hooking up a little more privately most of the time."

She took Ryanna's hands and pulled her to her feet, then led her through the crowd to a small group in the middle of the dance floor. "Folks, this is Ryanna." Luscious raised her voice to be heard over the music. "She's new, and she's my friend, so be kind to her."

"Your friend, huh?" one of the men said. "You got a dick too, honey?"

Luscious jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "Ryanna's all woman, so shut up. Ry, you'll want to stay away from guys like this. They think with their pricks and it doesn't leave them any brain cells for anything else."

The rest of the group laughed. The guy Luscious had insulted just stood there for a moment, then shrugged. "Guess a drag queen's like a woman. Always has to have the last word."

For the rest of the night, Ryanna hung around with Luscious and her friends, and even let them drag her onto the dance floor a few times. The party wasn't scheduled to end till morning, but at about one a.m. Glenys grabbed Ryanna's arm. She looked furious. "We're getting out of here."

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