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A Win-Win

My green dress never looked better. It was a ruched Bodycon dress with spaghetti straps, the hem dipped right below my stocking tops, it was much shorter than I remember. I had lost some weight since I last wore it but it was a perfect fit, even over the new breasts, with the new cleavage. My followers were going to love me in this, I took a couple of selfies.

I looked in the mirror again as Marilyn finished brushing my hair, it was now all mine and long. Streaked blonde leading down to the middle of my back. Full and amazing.

"Marilyn? How do I take off my hair?"

"You don't sugar, come in next week and the girls will give you a brand new style. Let's mix it up a bit."

I touched my plump pink lips with my finger. My nails were so long they were white with a touch of pink, they matched my toes. I had perfect eyebrows and long lashes, but the biggest change was my makeup. My eyes were large and dark I looked and felt like a new woman, I felt I was too sexy for Geoff. I was definitely too sexy for this mall. She then put big gold hoops on my ears to complement the diamonds. I turned my head back and forth, I looked pretty amazing. I took a couple more selfies, and some with Marilyn.

"Come, let's find you a signature scent." Marilyn and the little shop girl walked me back into the main room to go through the different perfumes. We were now surrounded by customers and more of the staff. They all complimented me on my dress and hair, I was shy but quite proud. I smelled so many fragrances, there were over two dozen of them. I decided on Versace. It smelled wonderful and came in a sexy bottle. Marilyn just put a touch of it on my wrists, neck, and behind my knees.

She put her nose on my clavicle. "Mmm, not only do you look like a woman, you now have the air of a beautiful woman too, let's get you wrapped up and ready to leave, haha." Marilyn had a shopping bag full of my perfume, makeup, cleansers, and so many brushes. "Any questions just call, sugar."

I walked out to the front clicking in my heels, I didn't see Beth, and I could feel the butt plug. I was wiggling a little more exaggeratedly than usual.

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