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Adventures In Hose

"I'm sorry, it's just that Samantha was never right for you, and besides, she caused a strain in our friendship," I said with a note of anger in my voice.

"First off, it wasn't Samantha that caused a strain in our friendship. It was the way you acted jealous of her all the time by calling at inappropriate times to see if I was okay. And not only that, but disrespecting the relationship I had with Samantha."

"Yeah, so what's the good news?" I asked dryly, trying to control the annoyance in my voice.

"Well the good news is that I've met another woman that I'd like you to meet tonight."

I resisted the impulse to close my eyes, and instead concentrated rather heavily on the road. Christ, why couldn't she just keep her relationships to herself! I mean Jennifer knew how I felt about her, and still she stubbornly wanted me to meet every single girlfriend she ever had. It was like she was on a mission to hurt me for no apparent reason. The way I felt about her has grown from its 'just have a crush stage' to full blown helpless love. Damn, it serves me right for falling for a lesbian!

"Well, I have to meet a friend at Beths. If it's alright with my friend, maybe you could meet us?"

"Uh huh, so who's the new woman?" Her voice had a teasing edge to it, mixed with another emotion that if I didn't know any better would have been jealousy if it were anyone else.

Stopping at a stoplight, I gave an easy laugh at those words, "What makes you think that it's a woman? It could just as easily be a man."

"Get real, Mark. I know," Jennifer said with an easy laugh, "You hardly ever go to Beths unless it's a very important date and you know it!"

I couldn't help but laugh in agreement at that, not really knowing what to say. Reluctantly I told her about Angie, not knowing why I tried to keep it from Jennifer, maybe because I felt reluctant to bring up anything relating to my sex life. I just didn't know.

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