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Am I Who I Think I Am? Chapter 2

Well, lets see... I'll wear my white shorts and off white button-up sweater. I've got a white bra with a B cup that I can partly fill with me, so I'll add that with some padding in the bottoms to push "me" up and out a little. (I really have quite a bit of boobies for no hormone help. Thanks mom!). Ok, this seems to be working, so far. I'll try my orange flowered sandals and my new toe rings, especially the one with the anklet Gary bought me. I also have a set of thin gold and silver bracelets to match my belt and earrings. Thankfully, I have the small feminine hands of my mother. Some dangly earrings should do the trick. I'm surprised I have accumulated so much "stuff" in my adventures.

Well now. What kind of undies shall I wear. I didn't get much of a clue from Gary yesterday as to what he likes me in, since they wound up on the floor so quickly, so I need to experiment. White shorts are pretty see through, so I better go with the thong. I hope we don't walk too much. The rubbing of it on my boypussy will start getting to me! All I'll be able to think about is sex with Gary! appealing thought!

Well shit, a shot of perfume and here goes...

I walk out of the bedroom to find Gary sitting at the kitchen table eating a croissant.

"Hi sweetie! You look wonderful!" As he gets up and gives me hug and a peck on the lips. (Geeze, is this guy hard all of the time?)

"Thank You, lover." I cooed.

As he starts kissing my neck (and turning me on again), I ask him cutely "Honey, weren't we going somewhere?" (before it is too late!)

"Yea, let's go to the mall. I'd like to help you shop, if you don't mind?"

Oh great. I hope I remembered everything. I'm scared to death. I've never been this "out" before! My prior experiences have all been unisex, androgynous, semi-feminine styles. Typical of my half-way lifestyle up until I met Gary who seems to be providing me with a powerful incentive to please him. It's a feeling I've never felt until now. I've never before felt a serious need to please anyone before and now I'm tripping all over myself to look good and please Gary. I wonder why I've changed?

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