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An Empty Hole

Sam's head started spinning, his head began pounding. He placed a hand on the counter.

"Sam, this is my roommate. This is my date; I brought him here because everything else was closed."

She seemed disinterested. "Ah, I see." A light accent rolled off of her tongue, as she indifferently flaunted in her half nudity. Once she saw that Sam was beginning to show difficulty walking, she smiled.

The crimsoned colored woman looked to the male. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine, just dizzy..."

The dark skinned female walked over to him. "You don't look well. Here, come sit." She placed one hand on his arm, and the other on his backside, wrapping her fingers around the soft, clothed cheek as she led him to the light orange couch in the living room.

He went without a fight, sitting down lightly on the couch, resting his back into the comfort of the cloth. The crimson dressed woman sat down next to him, the other female at his other side.

Sam was going insane. His body flustered swiftly, causing his head to rush with adrenaline, his body to sweat. His groin was on fire, and his aroused loins poked noticeably. He closed his eyes, as the headache passed and clouds began covering his mind, disabling any motor function he might have. A wave of pleasure filled his body. "Ooooh..." He moaned out.

He could hear the black skinned female speak. "It seems our sickly boy's a little excited." He felt a smooth hand from the blondes' side of the couch touch his crotch, and a nipple pressing into his arm.

The teen couldn't talk, he couldn't move. His eyes remained closed as various shapes flashed, intricate designs floated in front of his eyes.

A nose brushed the top of his ear, the hairs of his neck stood as lips touched his ear. "Are you horny, Sammy?"

Sam didn't reply, as his mind sent him down another spiral of confusion, pain and pleasure, distorting everything he was thinking. Nothing was clear, in the haze he found himself in.

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