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Artificial Women

. . [an alteration in] the gait in what is considered a seductive fashion," the illusion that "the wearer" is "taller," the appearance that "the legs" are "longer," "the foot" is "smaller, "the toes appear" are "shorter. . . . the arches of the feet [are] higher and better defined. . . . the lower leg muscles [are] more defined," and "the Gluteus Maximus [sic] [is] more defined" (Wikipedia).

Although cosmetics and fashion have come a long way, baby, they're still mostly about covering up unsightliness, "enhancing" natural features, and highlighting one's own assets. Throw in a little hairstyling, airbrushing, lighting, trick photography, and "cosmetic surgery," and milady or miladyboy is a modern-day Galatea, every bit as beautiful (and artificial) as Pamela Anderson in makeup or Selma Blair in a Wonderbra. To see the true miracle of glamour photography, catch a photograph of a celebrity who's dressed in a tousled T-shirt, a pair of faded, "holy jeans" (or, better yet, naked), her hair a mess, and wearing no makeup. The freckles are back; so, too, is the blotchiness, the discolored skin, the pimples, the wrinkles, the leathery skin, the puffiness, the coarseness, the angularity, the loose and sagging skin.

It's a sad thing to see the "natural beauty" of even the most glamorous woman or a shemale." It's even more awful to realize that this is the true girl and that the glamour girl is much more fake than real. It's refreshing, too, though--or should be--to real women and shemales, for the illusion of beauty that makeup, fashion, airbrushing, lighting, styling, and trick photography create show that real beauty is truly skin deep and that many ordinary girls are better looking than the celebrities they're supposed to emulate. The exposure of this truth is, indeed, what makes websites that expose the plain Janes hiding inside celebrity divas popular among mortal women and trannies.

To call actresses and models, whether they're female or shemale, "statuesque" is truer than we think; like Galatea, they're statues, or artificial women, come to life.

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