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Becoming a Drag Queen

Slightly nervous, I stuttered, "Y-y-y-yeah."

"Oh you will love it, honey," she promised, her hand grabbing mine and giving it a squeeze. I was shocked, but much to my surprise, I didn't pull my hand away.

"I-I-I hope so," I stammered, like a shy teenager.

"Where you from?" she asked, her hand still holding mine.

"Canada," I answered.

"You are the second person I have met today from Canada. I am originally from South Carolina."

There was a brief lull as I pondered what to say. She broke the silence, "By the way, I am Flame. Maybe I can light your fire."

I imagine I went beet red and on reflex moved my hand away.

"Did I embarrass you, Darling? You are cute enough to eat whole," she teased, with a devilish smile.

Just then another drag queen came and hugged Flame and I realized this was my chance to leave. Yet my legs felt like cement. Instead, I ordered a second beer. Once again surveying the room, I realized it had got much busier. There was almost nowhere to move and people kept bumping into me and squishing beside me to order drinks. When I returned back around, I noticed that Flame had left. I was surprised that I was disappointed, but noticed her pink purse was still there. I suddenly got a warm feeling inside me. I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. I was bumped again and heard a rather entertaining conversation between two gay men. A very good-looking blonde guy was waiting for his drinks as a guy I could not see pleaded his romantic case. "I really like you. I always have. But you were with Jamie and even though I knew he was not good for you, I just waited. I promise I would never do anything to hurt you." The next thing I knew I was inches away, as two young men started making out. It was like watching a car accident. You know you shouldn't look, yet you can't peel your eyes off the perverse scene.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder and I turned and was face to face with Flame. "Enjoying the show?" she asked, a knowing smile on her face.

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