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Blame Abba

So the next morning, I went looking in my mother's drawers and in her wardrobe. I was looking for 'pretties', feminine stuff, just wondering what it would be like. And I struck lucky, there was a whole collection of stuff, not dirty, but pushed into the wash basket. I knew she wouldn't realise if I got it out. I imagined what I would look like - if I tried them on!

And try them on I did! And more! I still remember that first thrill I got from the stockings in the basket The black stockings. Looking back I suppose she wore them the night before to give Dad a turn-on. They certainly turned me on when I carefully rolled them up my legs as I'd seen the prostitute do on TV the night before. They were holdups, that I realise now, back then I just knew they stayed up. And knickers, black, silky, tight, snug, they covered my developing cock and gave me something of a sexual buzz.

And a bra, black again, obviously not the right size but the elasticated sides got round that. My first 'fantasy' took hold. Tits! I tripped through into my room and got my football socks, black with white hoops, then rolled them up and pushed them down into the cups. I looked in the mirror - I had boobs!

And it was then the fantasy really gripped me. Back in my parents' bedroom I opened the wardrobe. It was a disappointment to start with really, there was nothing like the tarty stuff I had seen on the TV. But pushed to one side, I had never seen mother wear it, was a dress, a mini-dress. I suppose she had got it because it had become the fashion, maybe then realising it was too young for her. But it wasn't too young for me. I reached out and pulled it off the hanger. I knew I had to be careful though, to look very carefully since it had to go back in exactly the right place.

It was the 'pop-art' type of dress, shiny, tight fitting, black with white patches on the top and the sides, and very short. I had to try it on. It really was just a little too tight. It must have been a size 10 though I didn't know about those things then, I was a bit broader. But I did get it on without too much trouble. And finally shoes, that I did know about. Mother was not very tall but did have quite big feet for a woman, size 7 ½. I managed to slide my only-slightly-larger feet into a pair of quite high heels, dressy shoes, black and ever so shiny.

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