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Blame Abba Chapter 2

As I said, we won, the best idea and the best execution. Just before closing time we were presented with our cheque and I 'kissed' the landlord Eric on the cheek and handed it back to go in the fund. More applause, laughter, drinks, it was a fun evening. Mary was the main hostess, with Jacqui as backup. Mary was very daringly dressed, in a sort-of black 'dominatrix / witch' outfit, all black leather and silver, very striking and I have to say very attractive. I did see her at one stage chatting to a man who I think fancied her but I don't think anything came of it.

The next afternoon, just after 2 o'clock, Eric appeared at our front door.

"Look you two, I need a favour. The pub hasn't been doing all that well lately. But the word has got round about the outfits you wore last night. Could you do it again? Please. It could be good for business. I can get a reporter in from the local paper tonight, get a photo, some publicity and so on. It could be good for the Baby Unit and for the pub. How about it?"

Jacqui looked at me. She knew my answer already. I had told her how much fun I had, and the sexy undies I had worn all night, in fact when Eric arrived I had only just properly dressed. I had been parading round my bedroom in stockings and high heels. But Jacqui thought quickly.

"OK Eric, we'll do it. BUT you have to match our donation, give another £100 to the fund. OK?"

Eric thought for a moment. I could almost see the £ signs rolling behind his eyes.

"OK then, you're on. But not just for one night, it's not really worth it."

"How about for a month," said Jacqui. "We'll be the ABBA girls every Friday and Saturday for four weeks."

"You are on!"

Which is why, at 8 that evening, Jacqui and I rolled up at the pub with a hold-all containing our outfits. Eric had agreed to let us use one of the guest rooms, Room 4, the smallest - there only were 7! - to change in. And by 9 o'clock we were entering the bar wearing similar outfits to the previous night, though in fact we had swapped blouses, to loud applause from everyone in there.

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