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Blame Abba Chapter 3

Patrick was already up when I woke in the morning. It was a glorious day, sunlight streaming in through the gap in the curtains. He was just dressing.

"Well my lover, how was it for you?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Patrick my lover, that was the best fuck I have ever had in my life. Honest."

He beamed widely and came over to hold me and kiss me. I could see his pants bulging again.

"Er - Patrick. Have we got time?" I joked, looking at the sign of his obvious pleasure.

"I very much regret, my darling, that I am going to have to love you and leave you as they say. I have to be back in London later this morning. I am so sorry, I REALLY am."

We said goodbye, very passionately, Patrick really was very erect and my attentions did nothing to help. Finally though he dashed down to breakfast while I slipped along the corridor, carrying my dress and shoes, and into room 4. I threw the clothes on the bed and opened the blue bag.

But it was not what I expected. It was not a T-shirt and jeans and trainers and so on. It did contain my make-up, and the solvent for the breast adhesive and cleaning lotions. But the only clothes were a black leather mini-skirt, a blouse and my lower (4"!) stilettos. Jacqui knew - she didn't expect 'Don' to come home that morning, just 'Donna'.

I stripped off the small robe I had been wearing and grabbed the top and the mini. Within five minutes I was scampering down the stairs, probably giggling at the thought of Patrick's face - and Eric's. I dashed into the dining room as Patrick was just getting his juice from the small hatch. Eric wasn't there but Cheryl was. She didn't look at all surprised, she just smiled in my direction. Patrick caught her gaze and turned, just as I slid my hand into his.
"Hi Cheryl, can you stretch to one more breakfast?" I asked, looking Patrick in the eye.

I was still worried he might rather not be seen with me, certainly after what had obviously been, to me, to him, and to Cheryl, a jolly good night's sex.

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