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Debbie Part 9

Her nostrils were free so she could breathe and there were holes for her eyes. But around these holes were tubes 1 inch long and no more than a quarter of an inch in diameter, narrowing her field of vision to almost nothing. As if that wasn't enough there were special lenses at the end of these tubes, fragmenting her vision in a strange and insectile fashion. Effectively she was only able to recognize a few special shapes, like Master Farrell's profile and his cock. As for the rest of the world, she was effectively blind. In her ears were special earphones, which replaced all sound with white noise, making her effectively deaf. The only sound the devices had been programmed to let through was that of Master Farrell's voice.

She existed for only one thing: to please Master Farrell. It was the focus of her being and all she could ever think about. Unless he actively praised her, which was almost never, she was desperate to please him and unhappy that she wasn't doing more to please, that she was such a useless slob who couldn't please her Master properly. She followed him around all the time, constantly trying to keep up with him with her tiny mincing steps, always at a respectful distance behind him, always ready for use. She was only ever away from his side when restrained. When he left the mansion for any length of time she was packed away in a box, tubes making sure that she was fed and could breathe while he was away. Master Farrell made sure that her corset, boots and hood were changed and that Debbie was cleaned at highly irregular intervals, insuring that she couldn't use these occasion to mark the passing of time. When her hood was changed it was in a room filled with bright lights and loud noises, so that Debbie could never get her bearings before a new hood was put on her. He frequently subjected her to horrifying torture and the only way her cock was emptied of sperm was using the needle torture he had used on her as she sat with healing feet. She quickly lost all sense of time, but it didn't really matter to her anymore. All that mattered was pleasing Master Farrell.

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