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Dirty Black Summer Chapter 2

"Let's get over to the computer," I cleared my throat, breaking the jittery silence growing in the room. "I gave you some background on the phone earlier today Trina. I set up a profile for you at one of the personals sites Summer said her Husband frequented, his name is Larry by the way. It didn't take long and we already have a response from him in your inbox...we were just waiting for you to get here to send him a reply and start working your magic."

Stepping aside, I allowed Trina to walk by and watched as she elegantly took a seat in front of the computer. Sensing the anxiety seeping from Summer's pores, I winked in her direction and nodded my head towards the kitchen.

"Summer and I are gonna go and mix everyone a few drinks," I told Trina.

"Make mine a vodka on the rocks," Trina replied as she logged into the dummy profile I'd created.

Once in the kitchen, Summer seemed to shiver all over as she locked gazes with me.

"'re plan is to fix him...err...her...up with Larry...he might be drunk...but I don't think he's that drunk," Summer hissed incredulously.

"You're a lot more sober than he will be...could you tell the difference?" I asked her.

Summer just shook her head and used her trembling hands to help me fix the drinks, the perverse genius and potential danger of the plan sparkling equally in her uncertain eyes.

"So how do you know her...err...him?" she guiltily asked.

"A case I was handed awhile back...woman thought her Husband was having an affair...he was but it was with Trina and not another woman...needless to say when he was busted he was pretty much at his Wife's mercy to capitulate to whatever demands she made in the divorce proceedings. I just sort of kept Trina's name and number around in case I thought her unique services might come in handy again...then you walked into my office with your situation and I thought I'd give Trina a call...sort of blackmail of a black male if I do say so myself," I said to Summer before taking a sip of my drink to make sure it was mixed just right.

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