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Duchess of Lamore

She gave instructions to the servant and left.

Drake was surprised when another woman walked into the visitor's room. She was wearing a flowing red tunic that stretched to the floor. Although it was quite lovely, it managed to leave a good deal of her breasts exposed. She too was wearing a silver pendant featuring the coat of arms. Clearly she was someone of import.

First Night in Palace Drake got to his feet and introduced himself. "Hello. Drake Hampstead, Rolls Royce London."

He was quite surprised when the lady spoke English. "Heywo. Weecome to the Pee cuck Palace. I see do rume. Fall low pease."

Drake nodded and followed her behind her. They walked down a long hallway with open courtyards on each side flanked by large black servants. Sitting in the courtyards were many women. Not a single one was fully dressed. Drake couldn't help but look at them as they were all quite beautiful.

As the ladies noticed the new stranger they would cover their mouth and giggle. Surely they had seen an Anglo before. Drake returned their smiles, but kept it very subtle. He did not want to give the wrong impression.

They turned down more hallways before stopping in front of a door. It was flanked by a large black man in his Punjab pants and vest. Drake wondered exactly why he was there. Was he there to protect him from others or was he there to protect others from him? He found either answer troubling as neither made any sense to him.

The lady opened the door and waved Drake inside. It was a large room with a bed in the middle. The walls were filled with beautiful tapestries. Off to one side adorned with bolts of silk was a recessed pool in the floor. He assumed it was for bathing which was something he was dearly looking forward to.
"I have bath for you. Seep here. Full Moon cell baton. You guest Duchess. Tu days. Servant's heap ready." She turned and left.

He walked over to the window and looked out. His view was of another courtyard. This one had fountains and was very beautiful. When he turned around he noticed he was not alone.

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