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Emily and Steve Part 9

"Can we talk now?" I asked. She nodded.

I started, confessing to Emily that I had cheated on her on Saturday night, without getting into too much of the details. I concluded by saying, "I wanted to tell you that, so we have no secrets. I want to make us work, and I hope you do as well."

Emily took my hand, and told me she forgave me. It felt good to hear those words. Next I expected that she would admit to cheating on me, but instead she didn't. Instead, she said, "I want to go to Virginia, Steve. I want to live my life, now. I have been living someone else's life for so long. It's finally my chance to live my life. And while I know it is selfish, I need to make my own decisions. I can't have you as part of that, because then I am just living someone else's life again."

I was stunned. "Emily, I thought you wanted this. I thought you loved me."

"I do love you, Steve, but what we have here, that is your creation. You are the one that is looking for a partner, a lover, a wife. You are the one that wants someone to stay home with and cook dinners and watch videos. Maybe some day I'll want that, but right now I want to be a young, vibrant girl. I want to experience the world, and sow my wild oats. I need to go out dancing and drinking. I need to take courses to learn new things. I need to... ummm." Emily was stuck for another example.

With nothing but venom in my heart, I said the following words, "you need to have two guys double-team you in an alley."

Emily looked at me. I stared at her, my hardest, coldest stare. She wasn't ashamed, as I had hoped. Instead she was angry. "What the fuck, Steve, are you following me around now? Stalking me? Jesus Christ, Steve, that is the problem here. You rushed me into this, this whole exclusivity thing. I made a mistake agreeing to it, but you were so nice and so supportive, it felt like the right thing to do. Now, it just feels wrong."

Emily stood up, and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry, Steve, this has got to end. I do love you, though you might not be able to see that now, but I can't stay with you." Emily opened the closest by the door, and pulled out two large suitcases. She walked towards the door.

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