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Flying Together

We woke up, somewhat surprised, but neither of us moved.

"This feels . . . nice . . ." she purred. I nuzzled against her hair in tacit agreement. I had no idea what was going on – I had never just snuggled up to a woman before after talking for two hours, but somehow, again, it felt absolutely right, perfectly okay, to both of us.

Eventually, we had to get off of the plane and were waiting for taxis at the corner outside the terminal. I told her how much I had enjoyed having her for a seat-neighbor, and she smiled back at me and dazzled me again. I grinned like a moron.

A taxi pulled up. Her place was at the opposite side of town from mine, so there was no reason for us to take a taxi together. I helped her throw her bags into the trunk, then told her bye with a tinge of sadness as she jumped in the taxi. She looked like she didn't want to go. The taxi began to roll away . . .

. . . and 50 feet later, it came to a screeching halt, and she popped out of the cab. She looked at me, pleadingly. She didn't have to say a word . . . I went to her, hugged her, kissed her fully on the lips as we stood there for what seemed like forever, just kissing each other and enjoying each other's embrace.

The cabby finally yelled at us, at which we broke of our passionate, lustful, loving kiss with a laugh and a grin. I loved her laugh already. She dragged me by my coat into the taxi and I threw my stuff beside me inside the car.

A little later, we reached her place. I helped her take all of her stuff up and left my things in a pile next to her door, intending to leave as soon as we had talked. But, immediately after I had turned around from taking off my coat, she threw her arms around me and we started kissing again. We rocked back towards her couch, and we started throwing off each other's clothes.

After she had ripped off my shirt and I had removed her sweater and bra, I started to suck gently at her nipples. I circled her nipples with my fingers, then tenderly caressed them with my hands as my tongue traced down to her stomach, around her navel. I began to pull her jeans down . . .

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