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FMDM Inc - Jerry's Story

"So, Jerry, did you enjoy being powerful and rough with your wife? As much as she did?"

"Yes, and no." Dr. Halliday waited. "It was erotic and she loved it. She was egging me on the whole time and I swear my cock never felt bigger or harder. It felt great when I came. But I also wanted to switch places. I wanted to be the beautiful woman, tits swinging, and have her fucking me silly."

"I understand, Jerry. It's perfectly all right to want that sometimes."

"It is?"

"Certainly. Society doesn't like to talk about it, but men and women are complex creatures. We all have a wide variety of desires. Wanting to be one way sexually at one time and the opposite at another is much more normal than having only one way to be aroused."

"Hmmmm," mused Jerry as he let it sink in.

"So, tell me more about these desires you have. You said you wanted your wife to make love to you, as if she had a penis? Not a man to penetrate you?"

Jerry seemed to struggle with this. "Yes... I guess I sort of wish she could have a real penis sometimes so I could suck her cock and she'd feel the pleasure. I could suck it and be made to swallow her cum. To feel her hot cock in my ass and feel it pulse as she comes."

"I see. So are you naked in these scenarios?"

"No, I'm feminized. I really want her to make me her sissy slut. I want her to make me strip naked and put on her panties. Then high heels, stockings, corset, dress, makeup."

"It sounds like you know what you like. Have you dressed up on your own before?"

"Yes, many times, but always alone. It is very erotic, but lonely."

"Do you want to be a woman all the time?"

"No, nothing like that, just for, you know, play time."

"So if she told you to strip and then dressed you up in her sexiest underwear, that would be a great experience for you?"

"Oh yes, it would be fantastic!"

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