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Forced Entry

"What now?" Jermain asked Ronnie.

"Fuck it! We gag him; tie him up and fuck off," Ronnie snarled.

Jermain pulled a small pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Danny as he sat up on the bed.

"Don't fucking move man or I'll shoot you full of holes!" Jermain barked at Danny.

"Help!! Mike; for fuck sake help me!!!!!" Danny screamed at the internal door adjoining his and Mike's rooms.

On the other side of the door Michele heard Danny's muffled cries and assumed that he was drunk and looking for Mike to join him for more booze. Michele walked over to the door carefully on her high heels and yelled through the door.

"Go to sleep Danny; I'm not interested in getting you any drunker!"

She then went over to her the minibar to pour herself another gin and tonic, cursing at Danny under her breath.

Jermain stuck his pistol in Danny's face.

"One more word mother-fucker and I'll blow your brains out!" he said.

Danny stopped yelling and sat morosely on the edge of the bed groggy with the effects of the booze and drugs.

Meanwhile Ronnie was thinking to himself that maybe he could turn the situation around to their advantage. Danny obviously had a travelling companion in the other room. Maybe they could get 'two for one'! By entering the other hotel room via the adjoining room door they would not have to draw any undue attention to themselves by going out into the corridor.

Ronnie walked over to where Jermain was guarding Danny.

"Who's in the other room?" he asked menacingly.

"It's Mike; you know, the guy I was telling you about. My business associate," Danny answered, his eyes locked on the pistol only inches from his face.

"Aw come on guys; you cleaned me out and I won't tell the police what happened; I'll say that someone broke into my hotel room while I slept and robbed me. I can claim all this shit back on my insurance but leave Mike alone man," Danny begged.

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