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I got humiliated in a catfight

I forgot what she said, but she asked me if was I a fucken trans bitch or a cross-dresser? she called me a diseased whore.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know". I said shaking. I was terrified because she was aggressive and much bigger than me

She then called me a bitch and said that I could have given her something. Before I knew it, she grabbed my hair and dragged me out of my house. I screamed as she punched me in my face repeatedly as she held on to me and I fell to the ground. She then picked me up by my hair and swung me around and threw me to the ground on my stomach. I remember crying and being extremely weak. I hit the ground hard. I had on my blue and white plaid mini dress and strappy high heel shoes. I just cried as I lay on the ground. I could not remember what she was saying but she was screaming at me.

I got the strength to get up and turn around and I kept telling her I was sorry over and over. I was crying so much. She then jumped on me and began to hit my face. I screamed and cried. Then she began to choke me and bang my head on the grass. She continued to strangle me with both hands around my throat. I was weak and she nearly choked me out. I lay there coughing and crying. She then picked me up by my arms and shoved me hard to the ground about 10 feet in front of her. I hit the ground hard crying so much. I was on my stomach and could not move, I was tired and hurting and barely conscious. As I lay there crying she suddenly dragged me forward and dunked my face in some slimy mud. She rubbed my face back and forth in it and sunk it down deep. I remember gagging on the mud and tapping out with my free hand. She grabbed my other hand and held it behind my back. She plowed my face in the mud some more. She held my face down in it and lifted it back up. I screamed "Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry" so many times as I was crying profusely.

"Say it again bitch!" she yelled at me.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!!"

She dunked my face in again and slammed it over and over and held it down for a long time.

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