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"Please, let it out. I want to suck you."

"We don't do that."

I nodded, running my tongue up the length of his slit, for the first time tasting his juices, sweet, and salty, and almost tangy. Like sweat, and spit, and come, and piss and blood, and maybe fruit juice laced with vodka. My whole body trembled. As did his. I looked back up at him.

"Will it hurt me?"


"You. Will it hurt you?" I licked him again. We shivered.

"No. It won't hurt anything."

I could see his cuntlips spread open, waiting to drop.

"Then give it to me. Let me do this for you. Let me show you how much I love you. I want to feel you grow in my mouth." I fastened my lips down on his clit, tickling with the tip of my tongue and sucking his juices down my throat. His scrotum dropped and bounced against my chin. I reached up and caressed it with one hand.

The tip of his cock popped out and started its drive toward the back of my throat. It was leaking its fluid and I kept swallowing. His cock grew to reach the back of my throat and kept growing. Like my bowels, my throat accepted him readily. I just sucked and swallowed, and only when he was fully grown did I begin to bob up and down.

Just like the first time he fucked my ass, I had an easier time accepting his cock than any other. I've learned that part of that is biological. His juices aren't just a lubricant; they act as some sort of natural muscle relaxant, and provide extra elasticity to the tissues they saturate. But my sentimental side says that is only part of it. Grae's cock belongs inside me. I feel now that I was born solely for the purpose of housing his beautiful cock.

Finally Grae passed his initial shock and did what came naturally to one born to master. He pushed himself up off the ottoman, grabbed the sides of my head, and began fucking my face with the same violent intensity that he fucked my ass. I sucked and swallowed, letting him bruise my lips, holding onto his ass for balance, and dropped one hand to my fly to release my cock. Then I pulled him into me faster, harder, willing him to use my mouth. To let me taste his come.

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