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Jeremy's School Bully

"Lana, are you sure that's what happened?" Miss Kline asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure he'll tell you the same thing Miss Kline." The obvious threat in her voice was not lost on Jeremy. After all he'd been to BB's school on 'How to Survive Life with a Bully'. With his arms holding his stomach and his eyes looking at Lana's pump clad feet as they swam in his tears, he nodded his head yes. He heard steps moving closer and heard Miss Kline say,

"I better help him to his class..."

"Oh no Miss Kline! I feel responsible for him, please let me help him!" Miss Kline hesitated then said,

"Very well. I have to say Lana, you do seem to have turned over a new leaf. You're being positively helpful. It seems that the counselor Richards was right. I'm glad we've given you another chance instead of expelling you."

"Me too!" said Lana in fake gusto. "Once Mr. Richards and I got something straight between us we communicated much better and I saw how important it was for me to graduate before I turn 20." An odd look passed over Miss Kline's face as she considered Lana's strange turn of phrase, but she shrugged and went back to her own class room.

Lana spun back around and grabbing Jeremy by the front of his shirt hauled him to his feet.

"Don't think that just because you answered one little question right I'm going to let you off after what you've done!" She hissed in his face. Then she leaned closer and said quietly into his ear, "I saw you get a good look at my crotch. No one looks there without some consequence." Lana held out her hand and one of her girls pressed a half sheet of paper into it. She looked down at it and said, "Locker 426. I believe that's in the Dungeon. I'll see you there at the end of school. Don't try to duck me or it will go even worse for you when I catch up to you later. And I will catch up to you."

Lana released Jeremy's shirt and turned away to leave as one of her girls started to hand him his books, but the girl let them fall to the floor just as he reached for them. All four girls laughed as they walked off down the hall leaving Jeremy in tears, gathering his stuff off of the hallway floor. The second bell rang as scurried off, late to homeroom.

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