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Lorijo on Becoming a Girl

I departed for the mall. When I entered I remembered my walking practice and began shifting my hips as I walked to give my rear that little wiggle. When shifting my weight just a little to one side my hip would thrust slightly causing everything to move. My hair swished from side to side with each step as I slowly walked to the salon. Nobody stared at me this time. I just seemed to blend in.
I entered and Jenny was waiting. She sat me down in a chair at the end of the salon. Her hand quickly grabbed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail.

"There! Now we can see to work on those eyes."
She stood in front and began plucking eyebrows. Then when finished she stepped aside for me to see. They were thin brown lines and slightly arched over each eye. Next, she curled each eyelash before applying mascara. Then came liner and eye blush. When she finished my eyes under the blonde bangs popped and softened my entire face.
"Would you like me to do more? Your skin is nice a smooth today so I could put on some makeup to blend with your eyes."
I nodded yes and she began rubbing on foundation. Then came toner and finally blush. The transformation was wonderful. I just sat and stared at my pretty girly face. Without asking, Jenny put on lip liner and then a pink shimmer wet look lipstick. Her hand untied the ponytail. She brushed my hair so it fell around my face and caressed the soft colors on my face.
I couldn’t move. Jenny had control of me and I loved it. She continued by opening her purse and taking out a perfume spray. I felt her spray each ear with the most fragrant feminine scent. Next she took an electric clipper and proceeded to clip my arm hairs. The hair on my arms was not long, but her trim job removed all but a fine fuzz.

"You want to be feminine don’t you? I think that is sweet, and I think you are sweet. What do you want me to call you?"
I looked up at her smiling face and said, "I’d like to be called Lorijo."

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