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Marilyn: Going Your Way

"What happened?" Sara said in a haze.

"You came. Repeatedly and powerfully."

"Wow. That was the best feeling I’ve felt in my life."


"By the way, did you cum? I don’t like to leave the gentle…er, lady unsatisfied."

"Don’t sweat it. It’s a pleasure. Just calm yourself down. Now, Rockefeller Center is the stop after this. Where are you headed off to?"

"42nd Street. I’m staying at the Marquis." "Ah, the Deuce. It’s just a stop past Rockefeller Center."

"Thanks for the directions, hun. Thanks for staying with me. And thank you for the fuck of my life. My friends won’t believe me, but who cares! It’s been a pleasure, doll."

"No prob," Marilyn said as she gave a kiss on Sara’s cheek. She replaced the wallet and keys that fell out of Sara’s pants and stood up to grip the railing for the rest of the short ride. Finally, she had a glance to take a good look at Sara’s glowing face and appreciate it for what it was.

"You know you have a pretty face, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks for the compliment," Sara giggled out. "Kinda strange of you to say that after you just fucked me silly."

"True. Then again, fucking complete strangers isn’t an everyday thing of mine. Look, our stop’s coming up. Let’s get going."

Marilyn helped up Kat from the bench, then held her hand as the three stepped off the train. "I reckon you know where you’re going from here, right?" asked Marilyn.

"Sure, hun," replied Sara. "I remember this station. Thanks for everything. You’ve definitely made this a memorable trip!" she finished giggling as she walked down the platform to the stairs.

"It’s been a pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your stay!"

"I will…but not as much as that ride I just had," Sara replied with a wink.

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