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Michael's Prom Night

I whispered to Michael that he and I would leave the car since I doubted that he intended to make out with me and that way the other two couples would have more privacy. I told him to get another joint from Terry and to grab the bottle of Jack Daniels.
We headed over toward a stand of trees and sat a picnic table passing the bottle back and forth. We’d killed about half the bottle when Michael lit up the joint. We split the joint and between the bourbon and the weed we were feeling giddy. Michael thanked me for doing this for him and I told him that turned out to be kind of fun. I asked him if anybody asked him any weird questions about me.
“I wasn’t going to bring it up and I hope you don’t get mad at me Chrissie?” he said.
“Hmmmmm?? I wonder where this is going?” I asked.
“Well, in the Mens room after dinner Jeff said that he thought he knew you from somewhere?” Michael said and then paused….
“ So what did you tell him?” I asked.

“I told him that you were been my sister’s friend since you were both kids.” he said.
“Yeah so what’s wrong with that? That’s true.” I replied.
“I know but then I told him that you weren’t always Chrissie and that used to be “Chris”. He said.
“Wow. What possessed you to tell him that?” I asked.
“I don’t know it kind of just came out.” he said. “I’m sorry Chrissie.”
“I guess it’s no big deal if he knows.” I replied.
“You know Chrissie, he probably told Terry.” Michael said.
“Oh well.” I said “It is what it is.”
When we were good and drunk and stoned on top of that we saw the headlights in the Cadillac flashing toward us. We staggered back toward
the car.

When we got near the car I noticed that the girls were both in the backseat and Terry and Jeff were walking toward us. I figured the three of them wanted to discuss something so I continued toward the Caddy. I climbed into the backseat with the two girls while the guys continued their discussion. When Michael returned to the car he turned to me and said the girls are ready to go home.

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