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My Girlfriend's Mother Has a Secret

"But you so gorgeous, your tits..." Tim fell into a confused silence.

She breathed out in relief, at least he wasn't going to run out of the house screaming, and he was clearly interested.

"Hormone treatments, waxing, all that stuff women have to do to keep there looks and lots of plastic surgery, oh and yes, lots of money, so you like the look?"

Tim just nodded his head.

They both remind silent for a second. Crunch time thought Jane.

"You can go now If you like, or stay, it's up to you."

Tim remained on the bed. She smiled.

"Well then, lets see shall we" she thought for a second and then "get on you knees, on the floor, now" instructed Julie, her voice suddenly had a very hard husky edge to it, very commanding, perhaps with hint of cruelty.

Tim body began to obey before he realised he was doing it, he checked himself for a second before he slipped off the bed and fell to his knees in front of Julie.

She moved to stand directly in front of him and thrust her hip forwards, her cock wobbled up and down inches from his face.

"Kiss it slut boy."

Tim hesitated, suddenly unsure; he'd never sucked a real cock before.

She stepped forward and slapped him, but not hard.

"I said kiss it slut!" Julie pushed her cock against Tim face, pressing the knob end against his cheek.

Tim pulled back and learned forward and kissed the tip of her cock, hesitantly at first and then again more fully.

"Good boy, now open you mouth."

Tim parted his lips, and before he could do anything else, Julie bucked her hips forward, and pushed her cock into Tim's mouth, forcing his mouth wide open and stretching his lips tightly around her thick shaft. She looked down at Tim, and shiver of excitement spasmebed through her body. She had never fucked a virgin mouth before, and never anybody so young either. She savoured the moment for a few second, before slowly rocking her hips back and forth.

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