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Nylon teasers

I told them my story. Good student in high school, but burned out. Taking
a sabbatical year, while I applied to some great schools, then probably
attending a mediocre school.

They actually seemed interested. Interested enough to ask personal
questions about my family. I was the youngest of three boys. My older
brothers were well into "making something of themselves." I would get
there too. Just not yet.

Jessica sometimes asked really personal questions, like "Do you have a
girlfriend?" [No] "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" [Blush] [No. But
you're my girlfriends.]

They giggled at that.

Jessica even asked if I had a boyfriend.

I really blushed at that. And responded with a testy "NO!" Which made
them giggle and apologize.

Chapter Two -- Teasers become pleasers

Well, this went on for some weeks during my "summer of Dwayne," until one
Friday afternoon in early August. I had opened the store that day and was
scheduled to get off work at 5. While I was happy about being liberated
from my boring job, I was disappointed that Stephanie and Jessica would be
stopping at the store after their jobs and I would miss them.

Oh well. At least I had the prospect of an extended wank session dreaming
of them.

Or so I thought.

I walked out of the video store at 5:05 and what to my wondering eyes did
appear but the two loveliest lovelies!!

They were standing together, watching the door. Were they waiting for me?

That couldn't be.

But yes.

"We took off early from work today, Dwayne," Stephie said. "We decided you
needed some fun in your life."

Fun in my life? With them?


"That's right, Dwayne," Jessie said. "You're coming home with us and
you're going to watch one of the movies you recommended with us. And we
won't take no for an answer."

My throat constricted. My cock stiffened. An evening with Stephie and
Jessie? At their place?

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