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Permanent For Life

I don’t suppose you could blame
them though, I am not very tall and do have a slender build.
I fact I am actually about the size, or a little smaller than
most of the women I know. Not that I know very many, I have
always been very shy, and have never even had a real date.
Somehow I have never had the courage to approach a girl for a
date. Of course I have been out to the clubs but only in a group.
I love to dance and usually the girls ask me to dance because of
my ability. The truth is I am still a virgin at 21. I really like
women, but maybe it is because I have always felt I wasn’t man
enough for them, that has kept me from having a close

“The Sisters” is really quite impressive. A large colonial
styled brick building with it’s own parking lot. It certainly
looks prosperous, well here goes, I have never been in a real
beauty salon before. I always have my hair shaped and trimmed in
one of those Unisex places in the mall. Well I don’t guess they
will bite.
“May I help you” said the very tall, very blond
receptionist as she looked down at me.

I couldn’t help staring as I stuttered and stammered trying
to explain why I was there.

“I am sure we cannot be of any assistance to you, we do
still use machines but only for a few special customers,
and we don’t have appointments for that service coming up.”

“Oh, here is of the owners, she may know of something.”

“Hi,I am Margaret Merrill, I’m sorry but at this time I’m
afraid you are out of luck.”

Boy this place is full of tall beautiful women, Ms. Merrill
was also tall and a very striking brunette.

“But Ms. Merrill” I tried to explain “I must get a set of
photos of someone, I have already spent my advance and must
mail the photos by the day after tomorrow. Maybe if I would
pay for the service one of your employees would agree to be
the subject.”

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