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Proud To Be A Sissy Chapter 8

"Thank you very much sweetie," he said rolling onto his feet, "Now I need shower before breakfast."

"It was my pleasure daddy," I giggled, "thank you for mine."

I quickly followed him from the room and went to get his morning paper and in my haste without looking I pulled the door open to find my father's hand poised to knock.

"Kary?" he asked with uncertainness in voice, "Is that really you?"

"Yes," I squeaked out and then replied trying to sound confident, "yes it's me father"

"I didn't want to believe what your mother told me." He said sadly shaking his head and continued, "Look your mother's sorry about what happened yesterday and she wants you to come back home. Here's some clothes please take off that ridiculous costume, put on some real clothing before someone sees you."

With his other hand he held out the clothes that I had worn over the day before. I opened up the screen door just wide enough to take the offered clothes from his hand and picked up the paper that was just too the side on the porch and let the door close. I looked defiantly into my father's eyes feeling my anger flushing my face.

"No," I replied trying to force my voice to stay calm and confident, "this is who I am now, this is what I want be and you can't stop me from being happy. I'm sorry if you can't except that your son is sissy but that's just too bad because I'm never going back to being a sad lonely person ever again."

Then calmly I shut the inside door and turned my back for last time on my old life as a smile forced itself across my face. My new daddy was standing at the end of the hall covered in soap with a towel held around his waist. He grinned crookedly at me and nodded his head once in approval for me standing up for myself with confidence. Then he turned to go back to his shower as I headed off to the kitchen to start daddy's breakfast.

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