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Rebecca's Secret Part 3

"Really?" Rebecca asked, poking her head out from behind me. I was about to ask the same thing.

"Yeah," Kate said, blushing a little. "I always wanted to suggest it but I didn't know how to, you know? Anyway, I was the last person to go to bed tonight, but I could hear noise coming from your room, so I eavesdropped. I know it was wrong but I was just curious."

"What did you hear?" I asked.

"Enough to know Rebecca's secret," she said.

I looked down at Rebecca, who looked up at me, probably wondering what to do next. At last, she bit her lip, and stepped out from behind me. She was completely exposed now. I saw Kate's eyes wander up and down Rebecca's body with a gleaming kind of hunger. Kate had been thinking about the sight of Rebecca nude for a long time, apparently, and now she was relishing seeing it in the flesh.

"It's true, I'm a transsexual," my girlfriend said. "I have a penis. But I don't think that makes me any less of a woman than you."

"I don't think so either!" Kate replied quickly. "In fact, now that I see it, I think it makes you even more beautiful. You have a very sexy cock." Now Rebecca blushed.

"Thank you."

"You do too Jordan, by the way," she said to me.

"Thanks for noticing," I replied. "So what now?"

"Well," she said, "now I want what I've always wanted. I was hoping that you two are already worked up that maybe you wouldn't mind inviting a third into the mix."

So Kate wanted a ménage tois with Rebecca and me. I kept my mouth tightly shut. Of course I've thought about the idea of having sex with Rebecca and another girl, even Kate once or twice, but not so badly that I was going to risk insulting Rebecca by accepting Kate's offer and implying that she wasn't enough for me. If anyone was going to accept this offer, it was going to be Rebecca.

"What do you think?" she asked me.

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