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ROBERTO’S SECRET by Spanky De Bautumn


Cody Daniels lived in the same building as Agent Franklin, two floors below in a small one-bedroom apartment. They had passed each other on occasion on the steps and nodded in recognition when they made eye contact. As the transvestite gambit started forming in Agent Franklin's mind, Cody was the
first person he thought of. He knew Cody was a cross-dresser because he had seen her coming and going in drag in the early morning hours when he was up late working or getting home after a twenty hour day following one crisis or another.

Cody, who would turn twenty-seven in late November, made quite an attractive woman. She stood only 5'4" tall and couldn't weigh more than 130 pounds, but it gave her a bit of padding and helped fill out her dresses. Her long auburn hair hung three or four inches past her shoulders and the fact that she only shaved about once a week caused her to be often mistaken for a girl even when she wasn't in drag. She had hazel green eyes and long thick eyelashes that didn't need much makeup to be noticed. The first time Agent Franklin saw Cody completely dressed; he admired this vision of loveliness, not knowing who or what she was. She was returning home from her job at the bookstore where the management was more concerned with how much she sold rather than how she dressed. Cody was wearing a navy blue mini dress, nude thigh high stockings and navy pumps with four- inch heels.

Cody was entering the building as Agent Franklin was leaving and as he looked back over his shoulder at this foxy little babe climbing the stairs he could see where the tops of her stockings ended and the cream color of her bare thighs began. He found this very provocative, so much so that he had to stop, turn around and watch her cute little ass sway back and forth as she ascended the stairs. For the next couple of weeks, he found himself thinking about taking this hot little number in for some close personal interrogation. When he learned she was a he, he was embarrassed about his thoughts at first, but had come to accept Cody for who she was and never really considered her a man, just that cute little babe he first encountered on the stairway that night.

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