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The Tranny Trucker

I could see just how large it was. Much larger than mine and I didn\'t seem to mind.\r\n\r\nI attached my lips to her hardness, still through her panties. Daisy let a moan escape her lips at first touch. I could feel just how hard it was. My fingers looped into each end of her panties and peeled them down her thighs. Daisy\'s cock bobbed out into the open.\r\n\r\nDaisy smiled down proudly as her thick tube came into view. Dark blue veins ran up the length of her shaft. The whole thing was capped off by a large purple head, presently leaking a creamy liquid.\r\n\r\nDaisy saw my eyes travel up the length and focus in on that big impressive head, \"Yeh can start there. Teh cherry on top.\" She chuckled.\r\n\r\nI dragged my tongue over the tip of Daisy\'s cock. Her hand ran through my hair and pressed my head lower. I panicked, opening my mouth wide to accept the big head.\r\n\r\n\"Suck on it real hard and yah might just get yer present at teh end.\"\r\n\r\nI tried adjusting to having Daisy\'s cock head in my mouth. It was difficult at first, but I did adjust. Her cock seemed to have a mind of its own, twitching in my mouth and leaking precum. I flicked my tongue across the tip and swallowed the precum that had accumulated there.\r\n\r\nThe taste was tangy and kind of rich. It didn\'t seem to have just one flavor. I took another lick, holding the tip tighter between my lips. Daisy seemed overjoyed at these developments. She responded by lightly jabbed her butt upward. That sent another inch of her cock into my mouth. I struggled to stop from choking, getting over my shyness and starting to suck on the inches of cock between my lips.\r\n\r\n\"Yer gettin\' the hang of it, boy. Just make me feel good. Mmm.. just so good.\"\r\n\r\nOut of the corner of my eye, I could see Daisy\'s big balls. They laid out on the ball, all red and tender looking. My hand crept up the bed and I gently squeezed them in between in my fingers. I pulled them, rubbing my palm on the big things.

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