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Ticket To Paradise

Initially, it had been something of a miracle, she’d thought, to receive a warning ticket from Patrolman Rogers, especially considering his insensitive and abusive manner. Then, she remembered that most abusive husbands treated their wives with gentleness and tenderness and apparent love after beating them half to death so their women would be confused enough to stay with their abusers and submit, again and again, to more abuse, until they finally wised up enough to divorce the creeps or ended up on a coroner’s slab. She assumed that the warning ticket-which came with Patrolman Rogers telephone number-had been a similar ploy. No, she wouldn’t be fortunate enough to get a second warning ticket, not unless. . . . Until she’d realized that this patrolman wasn’t a man, but a woman, Toni had considered offering him a blowjob if he’d let her off with a warning. After all, the fine for littering, which had to be the reason she’d been stopped, was stiff in California-$1,000. She didn’t mind sucking a cop’s cock for a grand, but, of course, she had a bit of a problem. This cop, who had her ticket book open, with pen poised, wasn’t a man.

“Ma’am? the officer repeated, Do you know why I stopped you?”

“You’re feeling horny? Toni asked, as if she were joking. There was no humor in her eyes, though, and there was no mistaking the invitation that her tone of voice implied.

The cop’s eyes narrowed. She looked offended and angry.

Toni gulped. I’m sorry, if-”

“Don’t be sorry, J. Summers interrupted. You’re right. I am horny.”

Toni flashed a bright smile. Your car or mine?”

“Actually, I’m due to get off in ten minutes. I was on my way home when I saw that paper fly out of your car.”

“Your place, then?”

J. Summers smiled, revealing white, even teeth between soft, sensuous lips. You can follow me.”

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