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Duchess of Lamore

"It is a Phantom IV Hooper 7 passenger limousine with folding top with mounts to each front fender. It features two R-100 headlamps along with two fog lamps that appear to turn with the front wheels. I see that we have bird's eye maple to the rear cabin with cocktail bar, vanity mirror, makeup kit with brush and comb just above the picnic tables. We have a sterling silver crank for the division window between the seats along with a sterling silver phone to the driver. There appears to be private locks to the rear cabin doors."

Drake studied the gold embossed symbol painted in the center of the rear cabin doors. He knew perfectly well that the Phantom IV was reserved for royalty. He studied the coat of arms which consisted of two crescent moons with an obelisk standing proudly between the two. He made a point of knowing most coats of arms, but did not recognize this one. The obelisk made him think Egyptian, but he knew everything Egyptian backwards and forwards. He had never seen this one.

"This is a most interesting coat of arms. I don't believe I have come across in before." He straightened up appraising the automobile in its entirety. "A most impressive example to be sure."

"Very good Hampstead. You just might be the man for this job," Mr. Chesterton said. "The coat of arms belongs to the Duchess of Lamoure. You should be forgiven for not knowing it. She remains one of our most reclusive clients. This automobile is two years in the making. I don't have to explain to you the importance of its existence."

"Indeed not, sir."

"I need someone to present this beautiful automobile to the Duchess. She lives half way around the world in the Peacock Palace. I am considering you for the job."

"Why thank you sir. I would be most honored to carry out your every instruction."

"Right then. You leave in two days. Get your affairs in order. You will be gone for some time."

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