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The Tranny Trucker

I practically had to climb just to make the first step up the side of the truck. Daisy pushed me with a firm hand up the rest of the way. She slammed the door behind me.\r\n\r\nI got my first glance inside the vehicle. Directly behind the two seats was a bed. Off to the side was some rudimentary cooking equipment. Daisy must live here. I didn\'t understand how, having lived with all the amenities of a house my entire live.\r\n\r\nDaisy walked around the back of the truck and came around the driver\'s side. She stepped up into the truck without any trouble.\r\n\r\n\"You look some kinda freezin\',\" Daisy turned up the heat in the truck, \"How about I get yeh a blanket?\"\r\n\r\nDaisy slipped between the two seats, her side brushing into me, and grabbed a quilt off her bed. She slung it around my shoulders, smiling for the first time. I feigned a smile back, though I wasn\'t terribly excited about my situation.\r\n\r\nDaisy plopped down in the driver\'s seat. She started the truck and threw it into gear. I noticed the many dials and other pieces of equipment in the dashboard. A radio hung nearby. I watched her flip a couple switches and then give the truck some gas.\r\n\r\nI looked out the windshield and was amazed at how high we were. Everything else was small and insignificant. My only experience close to this was being on the second level of a train. This seemed somehow cooler. My perspective, going from walking along the highway, to traveling it in this massive piece of machinery, put a smile on my face.\r\n\r\n\"You don\' mind me askin\' how yeh ended up on teh side of ta road? Yeh didn\' really answer earlier.\"\r\n\r\nI looked across at Daisy, whose eyes were still on the road before answering. \"I got thrown out. I couldn\'t think of any other option but walking with no money. I\'m very grateful to you for stopping like you did.\"\r\n\r\n\"Options? No, there never are many. Prob\'bly happens more often than yeh think.

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